Tipping the Scale, in Your Favor Now!

When is the very best time to lose weight?  Whenever you become uncomfortable with your current size.   If you are at the point where you want a healthier, more slender body, begin now with these DO’S and DONT’S for an easier, more joyful and faster process.

DON’T focus on denial and all the ‘goodies’ you will have to forfeit when the diet begins. 

DON’T automatically follow the latest diet fads. 

DON’T prepare for a struggle.  There is no need to make this difficult.  Weight loss can be much more exciting and empowering if you do the following:

DO think about all the foods you can eat – and the most tasty, delicious ways to prepare them.

DO focus on the body you want.

DO spend time thinking about what your body will look like, and how it will feel when it is slender.

DO imagine what you will be like when you reach this goal.  Will you be having more fun with your wardrobe?  Will you have more energy?  Will you be more active?  Happier?  Sexier?  More playful?

And, DO make sure to choose a diet that is best for YOU!  There are many programs available to choose from.  Take time and consider which one will suit your needs.  For example:  If you love fish, fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet may be good for you.  Likewise, if you are a big meat eater, consider the Paleo diet.  And even more exciting, if you understand the power of your thoughts, and want to transform without having to follow a diet, consider the program offered at Romancing the Mind, by contacting me, karen@romancingthemind.com.

Regardless of which method you choose, if you spend some time each day focusing on a joyful process; and imagining your future with the body you want – your body will transform more easily and the process will be more enjoyable than ever before!